Our brand new donorbox! We have updated and upgraded our website (to https://) which means that you can now safely…
One week to go… 可以想像將這些文字化成圖片嗎?好奇的話來看看吧! 順便一嚐好咖啡:) 展時:從11月1日到12月31日/自上午七點半至下午六點 展地:苑裡好咖/苗栗縣苑裡鎮新興路62號 歡迎訂購所有的展出作品,所得的款項將捐贈給協助颱風災民重建家園的蘭嶼 “蘭恩基金會”。 Can you visualise those words? Well, we did. Come see…
“伍貳” “伍貳”這個主意持續了一年。 三個攝影師在每個星期一收到一個相同的主題,然後在下個星期一以前,用各自的影像來詮釋這個主題。 五十二週蠻長的,但是也過得很快。 從拍攝每一張照片的過程中,觀照到自己尋找靈感的情緒與企圖完成作品的心思是那麼多變;有熱情高張的初衷,有半途欲廢的厭煩,有福至心靈的沈醉,有奮戰到底的慷慨! 一百五十六張照片是“伍貳”的成果,其實是三位個性迥異的攝影者,在同一個星期中,在不同的國度裡,整整一年的生活縮影。 歡迎訂購所有的展出作品,所得的款項將捐贈給協助颱風災民重建家園的蘭嶼 “蘭恩基金會”。 展時:從11月1日到12月31日/自上午七點至下午六點 展地:苑裡好咖/苗栗縣苑裡鎮新興路62號…
‘Un après-midi musical’ postponed… Due to unforeseen health circumstances, we will unfortunately have to cancel our planned concert on Sunday…
Un après-midi musical… This is already the second concert in the series of our ‘Un après-midi musical avec…’! We… Charity, Fingertips Piano Duo, Pescatore
Our first private concert! Today, we played our very first private concert! In exchange for a donation (Thank you Paula!)… Fingertips Piano Duo, Music
Kickstarter reward Better late than never… 😉 As part of the promised rewards, those one-of-a-kind-limited-edition CD cases (with, of course,… Kickstarter, Schostaschu
over 5300 EUROS collected! Dear lovely people, Yesterday truly was an amazing event! We really enjoyed playing at the Philharmonie… caritas, Schostaschu
What the heck is SchostaSchu? Ever noticed how cool Dmitri Schostakovich’s and Franz Schubert’s glasses are? Well, we did. And we wanted…