Because like everyone else, we were in need of money! Having failed to convince someone with a really big wallet, we won over 50 people to our cause and contributed to make a truly unique and extraordinary event happen.
When we heard that kickstarter became available in Luxembourg in June 2015, we thought: why not try to be one of the first successful crowdfunding campaigns in Luxembourg too! What we created was actually even more than that: Luxembourg’s first crowdfunded charity event.
Goal: Collect €2200 to fund the venue and instrument hire for our charity event SchostaSchu (28.09.2015) at the Luxembourg’s premier classical music venue: Philharmonie. All the funds collected from the charity event were aimed to support Caritas‘ initiatives to help the homeless in Luxembourg.
How did we do? We received pledges amounting to a beautiful sum of €2,560 (116% funded)!
While it is undeniable that our backers are truly generous and good-hearted people, we also believe that our rewards were not unattractive 🙂 head over to our campaign on to check them out!