Of the people – for the people

Kabantu unravels new marriages of music from around the world to celebrate the space where different cultures meet. Their name is a hybrid of South African languages and also comes from the African philosophy of “ubuntu” derived from the expression “umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu” which means “a person by a person through other people” or “I am what I am because of whom we are all”.

On October 24th, Fingertips and Accl (Association Culturelle Chinoise de Luxembourg) invited the super talented folk band Kabantu to play at Luxembourg’s favourite and most prestigious concert hall the Philharmonie

As part of Kabantu’s visit, we were also very excited to have had the opportunity for them to lead numerous workshops and activities at Eis Schoul, a primary school in Luxembourg and at the conservatory of Luxembourg city.

The band has an extensive experience in outreach projects and have previously worked with such organizations as Live Music NowBrighter Sound and Aldeburgh Music (Snape Maltings) among others. Their approach is all-inclusive – they lead sessions for babies, school children, teenagers and elderly; they visit special needs schools, care homes, youth centers and children’s cancer wards.