
The ultimate plan to save the planet – or at least a small attempt.
We actually did not do so badly, after two days , 6 concerts at the Philharmonie, we managed to plant over 230 trees, that is more than 4130 Euros!

Rainforest.lu took care of the planting part (in Costa Rica), and we the pianists (14 of us!), took part of the rest.

Now the nerdy part: The whole programme of Festreeval was made up of pieces written in variation form. Variation / Diversity – get it? We think it’s cool 🙂 and that’s how ‘Festreeval’ was born.

We did so much for this little festival. We went so far to shoot some really cool interview videos with the pianists. Our youngest volunteer Ginevra was at the time only 11 years old! Check out our youtube channel to see the entire event!

subtitles available!